
ALCHEMY OF ATMOSPHERES | VR installation | HEAD – Genève | 2024

The project Alchemy of Atmospheres explores the potential of immersive and engaging virtual architectures to enable new and meaningful forms of human interaction in digital environments.

New patterns of interaction are forming on contemporary social VR platforms, where the structure and design of the surrounding worlds play a significant role in influencing human behavior. New architectural concepts, layouts, and aesthetics of these worlds can enable meaningful social connections and initiate new rituals. The aim of this project is to propose new atmospheric qualities and to create virtual spaces that encourage people to come together and build relationships.
Under the direction of Simon Husslein, with the assistance of David Viladomiu

Head of Department: Dr. Javier Fernàndez Contreras
Scientific Deputy: Valentina De Luigi

Students taking part in the project: Mélanie Affolter, Soheil Afzali, Camille Bodin, Noémie Castella, Charlene Claveria, Lisa Divorne, Diana Escalante, Tiziano Gargano, Stéphanie Hemidi, Narcisse Malumba, Meghna Thanushree Nagarajan, Paul Rigal, Noemi Tshala

Visiting lecturers: Michel Reilhac, Kent Bye, Space Popular, Barry Gene Murphy, Michael Salmon

Jury members: Celine Daemen, Paula Strunden, Damien Greder, Kevin Muster, Vitas Jankauskas, Isa Pasqualini

Unity teachers: Charles Chalas, Simon Senn

Images: HEAD – Genève

THE OTHER HOME | VR installation | HEAD – Genève | 2023

"The Other Home" is a VR project that explores the expansion of the concept of "home" into the digital realm. The word "home" typically refers to a physical structure in which a person lives, such as a house or apartment. However, the psychological and architectural qualities of digital "homes" are still being explored and defined.

In this project, a group of 17 students envisioned and created nine different VR worlds that were published on the social VR platform VRChat. All environments share a playful and experimental refinement of atmospheric quality and symbolism. To create these worlds, the students compared and applied various experiences from both physical and virtual environments.

Presented at DIGITAL ARTS ZURICH (DA Z) 2023.

Students taking part in the project: Mélanie Affolter, Melissa Bitto, Dylan Braun, Luna Clertan, Minna Compoint, Yaroslav Dubeniuk, Ilena Escher, Clara Faure, Lea Gruaz, Tal Kashi, Elena Llosas, Paul Rigal, Stéphanie Pereira Sacramento, Anna Smiian, Fanny Tauxe, Lou Vanille Tissot-Daguette, Elisa Torres Ferreira.
Under the direction of Simon Husslein, with the assistance of Damien Greder

HEAD – Genève:
Director: Lada Umstätter
Head of Department: Javier F. Contreras
Scientific Deputy: Valentina De Luigi

Jury members: Andreea Ion Cojocaru, Samuel Arsenault-Brassard, Isa Pasqualini

Unity teacher: Michaël Martin
Unity development: Charles Chalas

Images & video: HEAD – Genève

THE IMPOSSIBLE SHOWROOM | VR installation | HEAD – Genève | 2022

The exhibition presented a novel typology of virtual reality environments designed to showcase furniture pieces by Swiss designers. Developed in collaboration with students from the Master of Arts in Interior Architecture (MAIA) program at HEAD – Genève, the VR spaces on display offered visitors an immersive experience that transcended the limitations of physical representation. This groundbreaking installation was featured at the 'House of Switzerland' during the Milan Design Week 2022.

Students taking part in the exhibition: Nell Beller, Emma Birbaud, Kevin Chellakudam, Thomas Dreux, Samia Hilal, Vilma Hubalek, Valeria Lydia Kraehenbuehl, Emma Launay, Lisa Maahsen, Camila Perna, Sandy Pitetti, Anaïs Youssefi.

Download an extract HERE.
Under the direction of Simon Husslein, with the assistance of Damien Greder, Dany Champion, Pablo Brenas

Photos: HEAD – Genève, Guillaume Collignon and Morgan Carlier

Video: HEAD – Genève, Jimmy Roura

HEAD – Genève:
Director: Jean-Pierre Greff
Head of Department: Javier F. Contreras
Scientific Deputy: Valentina De Luigi

3D Programming: Arne Magold
Sound: Benjamin Gueit
Textiles: Visual Society
Graphic design of the exhibition: Ismaël Abdallah & Constance Jacob

LISTENING SCULPTURE | United Nations & HEAD – Genève | 2022

The LISTENING SCULPTURE presents the United Nations as an institution that is ‘listening to the people’. It consists of a parabolic mirror that reflects sound waves to amplify the volume of a distant audio source. Recordings of spoken messages to the UN are played off a small speaker and can only be heard when sitting precisely in front of the sculpture.

The public sculpture was installed inside the galleries of the United Nations Secretariat Building in New York from May to September 2022. The department of Interior Architecture at HEAD – Genève ran a workshop with a selected group of students to design and build the installation.

The sculpture consists of 193 pieces, which equals the number of member states of the United Nations. The wooden boards used to form the mirror were leftover materials found in the wood workshop of the school. The cut offs from the production process were then integrated into the base of the sculpture and the stool.

The colourful materials refer to the diversity of the people that contributed to the recordings and to the various backgrounds of the 17 participating students with roots in Switzerland, South Korea, Belgium, Portugal, Cambodia, France, the US, Palestine, Portugal, Kosovo, the Netherlands, Madagascar and Colombia.

Students taking part in the workshop: Débora De Almeida Borralho, Lubna Behey, Ségolène Davister, Carla Duarte, Tibo Frey, Stéphanie Golaz, Célie Grobet, Hwang Gyeonghwan, Jinuk Hong, Aurora Lajci, Thaïs De Limoges, Antoine Matta, Vera Neuenschwander, Elioth Puthod, Daniel Ruiz, Louise Tjittes, Maya Saëlle Venetz.
Under the direction of Simon Husslein, with the assistance of Damien Greder

Photos: HEAD – Genève, Baptiste Coulon

Video: HEAD – Genève

HEAD – Genève:
Director: Jean-Pierre Greff
Head of Department: Javier F. Contreras
Scientific Deputy: Valentina De Luigi

Tutors and technicians: Charles Cuccu, Valentin Dubois, Sébastien Piteloud, Shizuka Saito, Alexandre Simian
Acoustics: Thomas Juguin

Construction: Atelier Good Wood

WORK AND INNOVATION | VR installation | HES-SO Genève | 2022

The project explores how virtual reality might offer opportunities to improve various professions. The 13 presented ideas include jobs such as fashion designer, architect, archivist, marketing analyst, and musician. The designs of the virtual environments are created beyond the visual vocabulary of physical representation, introducing an ‘abstract' design typology.

The project has been exhibited at ‘Cité des Métiers’ in Geneva, the largest fair for jobs and training courses in Switzerland.

Students of the Interior Architecture department at HEAD – Genève taking part in the development of the VR spaces: Oxana Streit, Gyeonghwan Hwang

Collaborating schools:

Haute école de musique de Genève, HEM, Gilbert Nouno, Philippe Spiesser, David Poissonnier, Thibaud Cardonnet, Students: Jaouen Rudolf, Nikolai Ivanov, Benjamin Gueit, Eloïse Fares

Haute école de gestion de Genève, HEG, Rene Schneider, Vincent de Vevey, Sabine Emad, Students: Mira Buzanszky, Youri Hanne, Lena Ugaz, Louis Andres Boixader, Dina Andriamahady, Kelvin Lee Ho Lam, Fanny Maillard, Benjamin Henrioud, Yan Tavares

Haute école de travail social de Genève, HETS, Marco de Monte, César Humerose, Students: Haeika Chevallier, Lisa Creti

Haute école du paysage, d'ingénierie et d'architecture de Genève, HEPIA, Yves Leuzinger, Dr. Yassin Aziz Rekik, Students: Oxana Streit, Gyeonghwan Hwang

Haute école de santé de Genève, HEdS, Aurèle Sagne, Paul Bobbink, Carole Guex, Students: Léonard Grangier, Mélanie Houzelle

Haute École d'Art et de Design, HEAD, Jasmina Barshovi, Students: Emma Birbaud, Clémence Lablancherie, Lucie Guiragossian, Quentin Langlet
Under the direction of Simon Husslein, with the assistance of Damien Greder

Images: HEAD – Genève

HEAD – Genève:
Director: Jean-Pierre Greff
Dean of Space Design: Dr Javier F. Contreras
Scientific Deputy: Valentina De Luigi

HES-SO Genève:
Director: François Abbé Decarroux
Information & Communication: Aline Yazgi
‘Cité des Métiers’ project leader: Manon Thomas

Students of the Interior Architecture department at HEAD – Genève taking part in the previous semester project: Gyeonghwan Hwang, Oxana Streit, Shanna Bennet, Tania Bersier, Audrey Besanceney, Emma Birbaud, Juliette Colomb, Pauline Gueissaz, Clémence Lablancherie, Tomislav Levak, Antoine Matta, Astrid Mayer, Thu Trang Nguyen, Etienne Poncet, Elioth Puthod, Nora Rhyner, Chloé Rouhling, Louise Tjittes, Kirill Vinokurov